
Create a member group

To get started with login you first need to create a member group. Go to the Member section of Umbraco and right click on Member Groups and then Create a new one.

Create a new page for Login

Create a new page and add the login widget. You can also set a redirect url where the user will be sent after a successful login.

Set up your locked pages

Right click on the page or pages you want to hide from users that are not logged in. Right click on a page and select Public access.

You can choose to lock the page for a specific member or a member group. Point to the login page so that users get redirected here if they try to access the page without being logged in.


To logout simply create a link that goes here: /member/logout



  • Heading

  • Text

  • Image


  • Background Color

  • Text Color

  • Redirect Url

Last updated